Sigh.......... Ahhhhhh
Winter colour
Off to cut out more owls and fish... I can say this is my least favorite part of what I do and I find it so hard to part with all my off cuts of felt. I have a mountain that needs to be sorted though, oh well a task for another day.
Have a good Sunday afternoon xx Ria xx
Baby birds first flight
I have been working on this idea for ages and today I finished my latest mobile. Yay!
I was never completely happy with my other birds so have created these new baby birds. They have over sized baby heads and are balanced just right so the slight breeze makes them bob about. Mum and Dad are sitting on the branch watching their newborns take their first flight... I do hope you like xx
I am not so happy with the photos though.. it is such a miserable day here in the Bay and there was no light, I may have to take more but I have listed this mobile in my Etsy shop with these ones.
xxx Ria
Felt Llama & Cactus Christmas Ornament Pattern
How cute are these two! Miss llama is all ruddy cheeked after delivering all her Christmas gifts. Luckily she has her wee cactus sid...

Having been an expectant mum, I know how the nesting instinct kicks in and in some cases the crafting instinct does too. Designing your n...
Once again you asked and I (finally) delivered. The request was for more patterns in a woodland theme. So here is my Felt Squirrel, ...